
New Book: Lizard Girl and Ghost

Lizard Girl & Ghost

This is probably the strangest story I’ve ever written. The idea for the book came from reading endless articles on “singularity” — what would it really mean to pour one’s soul into the machine? What are some implications? What would it feel like? So this story is a cyberpunk adventure into life beyond death as we know it. I hope you’ll give it a try. Here are the first few chapters.

Sci-fi and Fantasy Novels: Download One or Every Single One!

Innovation: Sci-fi anf Fantasy

Have you taken the reading pledge challenge yet? No? I didn’t — seems silly to limit myself to some arbitrary number of books. I read voraciously and across many genres, although sci-fi is my guilty pleasure and a goto place for when I’m feeling blue. Science fiction and fantasy are interesting genres. People have such strong opinions about them: “I only read literary fiction.” or “I consume only non-fiction.” And yet, what is literary fiction but a socially-approved book? A classic? Shakespear had written a lot of fantasy books — Macbeth had witches, A Midsummer Night’s Dream had spells and magic, The Tempest was set on an enchanted isle, Hamlet had ghosts. Go back farther in time and read a few Greek plays — gods, witches, medusas, magical beasts of all kinds… And what’s the Epic of Gilgamesh if not a fantasy novel?  Fantasy is a great way of transporting a reader into another realm and showing real emotions and complicated social dilemmas without getting trapped in a politically incorrect or culturally inappropriate minefield. Fantasy allows us to talk about our prejudices and absurdities of some of our beliefs by taking away trigger words and situations. What a powerful genre. Science fiction takes fantasy one level…

YA Extravaganza eBook Giveaway

2018-01-01 YA Extravaganza Giveaway

For the next seventeen days, all these ebooks are available for a free download by their authors via the BookFunnel: So have some fun and cuddle up with your phone or anther reading device and ride out the Arctic Weather Bomb with a good story! And if you like any of them, please leave a review. Thank you and happy reading!

Time Travel and Alternate History Giveaway

TIME TRAVEL & ALTERNATIVE HISTORY Looking to give a gift of story to your loved ones? Check out these time twisters and alternative histories. Click the link and claim your book(s). 25 Winners will be picked for prizes like Kindle Fire tablets, Amazon Prime subscriptions, free audiobooks, KU subscriptions, cash prizes, gift cards, and more! CLICK HERE to ENTER OUR PRIZE GIVEAWAY *** My story, Twin Time, is part of this collection. It is partly a story of my grandmother, who, as a child, had to run from her home in the middle of the night when the Reds came to kill her family after the Russian Revolution. It is also a story of what it feels like to be unable to communicate and experience time in an alien way. It’s a story of desperation, love, redemption, loss, and the pain of having your child born different. Who is this woman? Find out… *** Like all families, we argue. Sometimes, it’s about mundane stuff — the milk will die if the fridge is left open — sometimes, it’s about what would happen if time travel was possible and you could back and kill Baby Hitler… We didn’t agree on what each of us would…

Fall eBook Giveaways

suitcase of books

I’m an avid reader. And now that I’ve become a writer, I’m a relentless ebook giver — how else will people discover amazing new authors and stories? So here are a few current and upcoming promotions — this means don’t wait! Get your ebooks while the links are fresh! Enjoy! And if you do, please leave a review for the author. Thank you! PS: You can NEVER have enough books…