Tag Archive for giveaway

Of Food, Fun, Family, and Fiction

Becoming Animals Cards

I’ve stopped eating three times in my life… well, there might have been many other times — food intake is the easiest thing to control when life feels in turmoil — but those three times had very well defined triggers and so are easy to examine, evaluate, judge even. The first, let’s just call it the first for ease of telling, was when I was about ten. There were several schools in Leningrad that served its talented children and required admission process to get in. I’ve gone to a few of those: The Conservatory of Music — I’ve attended that one as a four or five year old, studying piano mostly; The Hermitage School of the Arts — I’ve started that at the same time as the Conservatory of Music; Leningrad School of Music — did time there as well until I rebelled by the end of third grade, if I remember correctly (piano, musical composition, chorus); A small art school not too far from the Hermitage on Fantanka street — for four years, I’ve spent three nights a week there studying drawing, art history, ceramics, watercolors; and it was my favorite even if very far away from home; And…

Fall into eBooks

spilling stories

Let me start with a bit of my own personal good news. “Becoming Animals” just won the bronze medal from the Readers Favorite! It’s my third book that won something. So I guess I can now write “award-winning author” next to my name… Woo-hoo? To get this award, I will have to go to Florida and to one of the largest international book fairs. I’ve never been to a book fair before (I’ve been asked several times to go to the Frankfurt Fair, but always turned them down), so I guess this is as good time as any. If any of you are from around there, please come find me! I will need all the support I can get! 2018 Miami Book Fair November 16-18 — these are the dates I will be there! (Making a plunge here…) …and one more thing… look for my short story, “The Soil of my Ancestors,” in the Kyanite Press, a Journal of Speculative Fiction: Winter Digest 2018 – Fables and Fairy Tales, available on December 1st, 2018. This too is my little good news for the day. Thank you everyone! These last few years — the 2016 presidential election season and the Trump’s presidency — have been torturous when…

YA Extravaganza eBook Giveaway

2018-01-01 YA Extravaganza Giveaway

For the next seventeen days, all these ebooks are available for a free download by their authors via the BookFunnel: https://books.bookfunnel.com/ya-extravaganza So have some fun and cuddle up with your phone or anther reading device and ride out the Arctic Weather Bomb with a good story! And if you like any of them, please leave a review. Thank you and happy reading!

Time Travel and Alternate History Giveaway

TIME TRAVEL & ALTERNATIVE HISTORY Looking to give a gift of story to your loved ones? Check out these time twisters and alternative histories. Click the link and claim your book(s). 25 Winners will be picked for prizes like Kindle Fire tablets, Amazon Prime subscriptions, free audiobooks, KU subscriptions, cash prizes, gift cards, and more! CLICK HERE to ENTER OUR PRIZE GIVEAWAY *** My story, Twin Time, is part of this collection. It is partly a story of my grandmother, who, as a child, had to run from her home in the middle of the night when the Reds came to kill her family after the Russian Revolution. It is also a story of what it feels like to be unable to communicate and experience time in an alien way. It’s a story of desperation, love, redemption, loss, and the pain of having your child born different. Who is this woman? Find out… *** Like all families, we argue. Sometimes, it’s about mundane stuff — the milk will die if the fridge is left open — sometimes, it’s about what would happen if time travel was possible and you could back and kill Baby Hitler… We didn’t agree on what each of us would…

Fall eBook Giveaways

suitcase of books

I’m an avid reader. And now that I’ve become a writer, I’m a relentless ebook giver — how else will people discover amazing new authors and stories? So here are a few current and upcoming promotions — this means don’t wait! Get your ebooks while the links are fresh! Enjoy! And if you do, please leave a review for the author. Thank you! PS: You can NEVER have enough books…

Surviving Dystopia

Surviving Dystopia

The summer is officially over — school has started up again. If you feel trapped in a dystopian world, you are not alone! Misery and survival are best accompanied by a fine story of even more suffering and endurance. Authors of such fine tales know this and we’ve come together to gift our readers a few of our dark stories. Click the link and claim your book(s). And as always, if you love a story, please let the writer know and tell the world by leaving a review. Thank you very much and happy reading!