Tag Archive for eBooks

Surviving Dystopia

Surviving Dystopia

The summer is officially over — school has started up again. If you feel trapped in a dystopian world, you are not alone! Misery and survival are best accompanied by a fine story of even more suffering and endurance. Authors of such fine tales know this and we’ve come together to gift our readers a few of our dark stories. Click the link and claim your book(s). And as always, if you love a story, please let the writer know and tell the world by leaving a review. Thank you very much and happy reading!

Science Fiction Summer

2017-07-21 SciFi BookFunnel Promotion header

Have you gotten your summer readings yet? Well, here’s a large collection of science fiction from indie authors from all over the world. Pick one, pick them all — they are all free for a limited time. And if you like a book, please make sure to leave a review — indie authors live and die but your good words. Thank you and happy reading! Grab as many books as you like and tell a friend!

2017 Summer Fantasy Giveaway

William Blake Richmond "Venus and Anchises"

50 Fantasy eBooks — Read Them All! July 17th to 24th Download any or all of the 50 ebooks below. Happy reading! And if you love a story, please remember to leave a review on your favorite book site — indie authors live and die by the reviews of their work. Thank you!  Get Your Fantasy eBook

The Haptic Feel of Books versus eBooks

We’ve traveled to Rome for our family vacation this year, and aside from a few summer reading books that I couldn’t find in an eBook format, we relied on our two Kindles and 3 iPads for our family reading needs. This is the second summer we brought primarily electronic versions of books—”The Count of Monte Cristo” is much easier to read when it fits into your hand and doesn’t weigh a ton… In the days before the Kindle and iPad, we carried an extra suitcase just for books. But there are drawbacks to buying and reading eBooks. Below are some of my thoughts and experiences—the cogitations of a voracious reader. Time & Progress As I was reading my novels, I found myself repeatedly trying to figure out where in the book I was. How far along was I? When is the next natural break (chapter, section end)? How many pages are there to the end of the chapter, end of the section, end of the book? These were not idle curiosities about my reading accomplishments, although when you do finish reading the book version of “The Count of Monte Cristo”, you do have a sense of having read something. An…